Hello World!
Welcome! My name is Sebastien Lovergne. I'm an inveterate tinkerer and I work as a software engineer.
This website is a place where I can experiment and be creative. I mostly publish links to external resources that I have found interesting or thought-provoking (and some fun stuff), think of it as my personal web archive. I might also write about some of my personal projects in the future.
You can find me on github, itch.io or contacts me by mail at seb.lovergne@gmail.com
Recent Activities
- Cofessions Of A Code Addict
- Computer, Enhance!
- What makes concurrency so hard?
- Models All the Way Down
- TinyFeed
- 8086 Virtual Machine
- Tronsky
- Glory is only 11MB/sec away
- Clifffle
- A Distributed Systems Reading List
- Excalidraw
- Putting the “You” in CPU
- Restic
- Filipo Valsorda
- Ham Vock
- Josh Collinsworth
- Len Falken's Writing
- Pete Millspaugh
- Simon Hørup Eskildsen
- Troy Hunt
- Wizard Zines
- Hey: tiny program that sends some load to a web application
- HTMHell: collection of bad (and good) practices in HTML
- Tinystatus: a lovingly simple monitoring tool.
- FoundationDB: Distributed Unbundled Transactional Key Value Store
- Why is CSS so Weird?
- Every Layout: relearn CSS
- WAVE: Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools
- The Grug Brained Developer
- RFC9457: problem details for HTTP APIs
- Adminer
- Alpines.js
- CSS Bed
- The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work
- Schemathesis
- Shields.io: concise, consistent, and legible badges
- Voronoi generator
- The Rise of Worse is Better
- Dreamberd: the perfect programing language
- Games I Made
- My Personal Site