

Excalidraw is amazing. It’s very simple, it doesn’t have all the features of other big diagramming tools, it doesn’t even have a grid, and yet you’ll make better diagrams faster with it. It’s like using a real whiteboard, expecting that it’s infinite and you don’t have to rewrite everything if you’ve misplaced something.

Excalidraw is such a good example of UX: you open it and you are ready to go, no need to register, no need for a tutorial. It’s low fidelity style will make all your diagrams beautiful without effort and without the need for precision. All the tools are intuitive and immediately usable, yet when you start using exclidraw more you will discover a lot of shortcuts to work faster (see the help in the bottom right corner for a full list of keyboard shortcuts).

Excalidraw is also fully collaborative with it’s Live Session: just share the link and you can instantly see other people working in your workspace. Then there is the fantastic library functionality that allows you to share and reuse components with ease.

Finally, there is the mermaid support, which will turn your text-based, simple-version, easy-to-maintain but ugly diagram into something nice and pleasing.

It’s lovely.