Hello World!

Welcome! My name is Sebastien Lovergne. I'm an inveterate tinkerer and I work as a software engineer.

This website is a place where I can experiment and be creative. I mostly publish links to external resources that I have found interesting or thought-provoking (and some fun stuff), think of it as my personal web archive. I might also write about some of my personal projects in the future.

You can find me on github, itch.io or contacts me by mail at seb.lovergne@gmail.com

Recent Activities

  1. Tronsky
  2. Glory is only 11MB/sec away
  3. Clifffle
  4. A Distributed Systems Reading List
  5. Excalidraw
  6. Putting the “You” in CPU
  7. Restic
  8. Filipo Valsorda
  9. Ham Vock
  10. Josh Collinsworth
  11. Len Falken's Writing
  12. Pete Millspaugh
  13. Simon Hørup Eskildsen
  14. Troy Hunt
  15. Wizard Zines
  16. Hey: tiny program that sends some load to a web application
  17. HTMHell: collection of bad (and good) practices in HTML
  18. Tinystatus: a lovingly simple monitoring tool.
  19. FoundationDB: A Distributed Unbundled Transactional Key Value Store
  20. Why is CSS so Weird?
  21. Every Layout: relearn CSS
  22. WAVE: Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools
  23. The Grug Brained Developer
  24. RFC9457: problem details for HTTP APIs
  25. Adminer
  26. Alpines.js
  27. CSS Bed
  28. The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work
  29. Schemathesis
  30. Shields.io: concise, consistent, and legible badges
  31. Voronoi generator
  32. The Rise of Worse is Better
  33. HTMX
  34. Dreamberd: the perfect programing language